We have made it our mission to provide you with the highest top grade bags, from all of your favorite brands, to create the ultimate luxury experience. Here is how we do it:
The Materials: All of our bags are crafted with authentic European leather, real precious metal hardware, and precise stitching patterns – ensuring a result of only the highest top grade.
The Details: Our bags are exact replicas, as we know the importance of the minute details. All of our embossing, serial numbers, and hardware finishes are identical to the authetic.
The Service: Aside from quality, we believe that service is the most important aspect of creating a positive customer experience. Our WhatsApp customer service team are all fluent English speakers with experience in a luxury background, including some whom have worked as Sale Assistants at Chanel, Dior, and Hermès.
We ship all of our orders with tracked express shipping, ensuring a safe and prompt delivery. If there is any quality issue with your bag, we will immediately offer a full refund, exchange, or in some cases ship you a new bag at no additional cost.