We used to accept PayPal Business and online card payments with Stripe, however due to replica bags no longer being allowed for these form of payments we now use:
1. Wise You can securely pay with your credit or debit card, or send a bank transfer with Wise
2. PayPal Friends & Family You can pay with your credit or debit card
3. Bank Transfer You can securely send a wire, ACH, or SWIFT transfer to our US business bank account
4. Crypto We accept over 300 currencies including BTC, ETH, USDC, USDT, and XRP.
5. Payoneer You can securely pay with your credit or debit card to our Payoneer account
6. Remitly You can pay with your credit or debit card
Please contact us on WhatsApp for payment details, or if you wish to pay with an alternative method